• GOLD:

Grew Creek


The Grew Creek property comprises 7,500 hectares situated along the Robert Campbell highway for approximately 32 km, between the towns of Faro and Ross River. A series of 4x4 roads provide additional access to the property.


Prospector Al Carlos staked the property in 1983, initiating the current phase of exploration. Subsequent lessee companies from 1983 through 2006 have carried out geological mapping, geophysical surveys, geochemical sampling trenching, and have drilled over 232 diamond core holes with a composite length in excess of 30,000 meters.

Between 1984 and 2004 diamond drilling outlined a gold bearing quartz-adularia vein and vein stock-work zone in an area approximately 250 meters by 50 meters at the Main Zone that is located 500 meters west of Grew Creek. The interpretation of results from the drilling programs concluded that the trend of the mineralization is in a north-south orientation. Previously the drilling has been conducted along SSW - NNE bearing section lines assuming the mineralization trended ESE – WNW.


The property is located in the Tintina Trench, a composite series of strike- slip faults comprising the Tintina Fault system. 

The Grew Creek Gold Project covers a sequence of Eocene bi-modal volcanic and sedimentary rocks preserved within the Canyon graben formed by the splay faults of Tintina Fault System. The gold-silver mineralization at Grew Creek is hosted by highly permeable felsic pyroclastic tuff 1.5 kilometers west of a dome of flow banded rhyolite. The mineralization is typical of the epithermal type deposit and the gold occurs as micron sized grains with a quartzadularia vein and vein stock work. The mineralization is steeply dipping and has been disrupted by post mineralization faulting related to ongoing movement of the Tintina Fault System. Banded veins and vein stock work mineralization appears to preferentially fill extensional openings and soak into the enclosing permeable tuffs.


The mineralization consists of gold bearing quartz-adularia veins focused within vent breccia bodies within the felsic pyroclastic volcanic rocks of a volcanic caldera. The vent breccias originally aligned along a northerly trending extensional structure have an extensive quartz vein stock-work in the rocks surrounding the vents. The structural interpretation indicates that the original structure of the Main Zone has been broken into four major segments by post mineralization movement of the Tintina Fault system. Four high-grade gold vents have been identified from the diamond drill holes. The lateral and vertical continuity of the system has not been established due to the relatively few drill holes oriented in the grid eastwest direction.

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